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Young girl, with black hair and a leopard print shirt,smiling and standing in front of mounted computer monitors

Our project team is diverse in every sense: ethnicity, gender, talent, experience, sexual orientation and identity, and age. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many different people and empowering to know that NYP embraces these differences and truly values diversity and inclusion.

Jennifer Paulino
Information Technology

Our IT professionals and our Technology teams spearhead the latest endeavors and applications in healthcare tech, creating an ever-better, ever-accelerating health system. Our innovations are transforming the care we can provide, as well as the patient experience. Join us and you’ll work alongside the talented people who integrate “smart” clinical solutions into NYP’s clinical care, manage state-of-the-art telehealth communications systems, and pioneer the latest healthcare infrastructures and software. If you’re technology-focused, this is the place to put your talents to truly good use.

Information Technology

Information Technology

At NewYork-Presbyterian, we are redefining the relationship between technology and healthcare. This innovative team builds and launches a range of tools, from patient/provider telecommunications that make world-class care even more accessible, to the robots our surgeons use to do amazing things every day. These include a tablet program for patients, e-whiteboards for our clinical teams, and auto-texting for families. We are the people behind the organization-wide implementation of EPIC. This sophisticated, single electronic health record system will deliver improved efficiencies, increased revenue, unified recordkeeping, improved patient safety, and, most of all, a better patient experience. Our team also launched NYP OnDemand, a suite of digital health services that enable patients to get second opinions, meet with their doctors virtually, and gain access to urgent and express care services more conveniently. We do not achieve these great feats alone. In addition to working together as a team, we also partner with major players in Silicon Valley to premiere the latest healthcare infrastructures and software.

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